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To inherit the experience of Italy

Do the tiles really need to be sewn?

There is no small matter of decoration, if you do not pay attention, you can leave trouble for the future. Especially at home, ceramic tile seams, do not see tile seam is narrow to only a few millimeters, this tile stitch is a must do. If you don't do it well, these millimeters could be the rat shit that destroyed your house. Some people say that the seams cost thousands of dollars, and they don't think it's worth it. So today the editor regrets telling you about the seams!

一、Aesthetic seam material

1、white cement

White cement is a relatively early filling material, the whiteness is higher, the color is bright, mainly used to whiten the gap of porcelain, generally not used in the wall, the reason is that the strength is not high. Of course, white cement can also be used to repair the wall.

2、joint mixture

It is understood as an upgraded version of white cement, because it is a dry powdered material consisting of white cement and a small amount of inorganic pigments, polymers and micro amounts of antibacterial agents. Strong adhesion, anti-cracking performance, but not resistant to water and dirt, may appear when the seam has been made black.

3、Stitching agent

Seams upgrade version, high appearance, rich color bright, can be matched with a variety of colors of ceramic tiles. The cosmetic is smooth and easy to wipe, dirty on the clean, more important is waterproof and moisture-proof, anti-oil anti-fouling, can effectively avoid the "crevice blackened" embarrassing situation.

4、Ceramic seam agent

It is an upgrade, wear-resistant, water-resistant, dirt-resistant and mildewproof. It can make the gap of the tile joint, hand-washing basin and toilet more durable and bright, and it is the best performance of the joint-filling preparation.

二、The advantage of a seam

1、The ceramic tile has the problem of thermal expansion and contraction

Ceramic tile heating or winter will not be expected to have a certain phenomenon of thermal expansion and cold shrinkage, at the same time, adhesive ceramic tile cement sand will also vary with the temperature and humidity there will be a certain degree of expansion, if there is no seam, Will cause tiles in the later use of the process of bulging or cracking.

2、Worker construction error

Tile paving belongs to a very skilled construction project, workers in the entire paving process, it is impossible to complete the paving of each tile when there is no error, leaving the seam can remain uniform as a whole. It is conducive to the continuity of tile placement.

三、Color selection

1、Dark Tile to be matched with "Anti-color" Sewing Agent

If the ceramic tile in your home is a black or brown color, it is better to choose a color that is opposite to the color of the tile if it is white or light gray. Because of the deep color of the floor in the house, it looks like your house is more and more stable, so the floor is divided into a piece with a white-and-white agent, which makes it even more hierarchical. It is assumed that the dark floor is also a dark beauty, the whole room will appear to be very depressing, the lack of anger will make the whole house have a great discount!

2、The light-colored tile is to be matched with the "the same color"-whitening agent

Unlike dark tiles, light-colored tiles should be chosen as much as possible with the same color as the tiles themselves. For example, if you join your home with white or silver gray tiles of a lighter color, you'd better fill your home with white or silver stitches. The biggest difference between a light color and a dark one is that all the light colors look brighter and more exciting and feel very comfortable. But there is a saying, now light-colored ceramic tiles with light-colored sewing agent, such decoration style of use of too many people, see a long time will be aesthetic fatigue, can not give people a sense of surprise!

3、Bright Ceramic Tile to be matched with "near Color" Sewing Agent

Bright-colored tiles generally refer to this color between dark and light-colored tiles, such as gold, dark green and so on, all of which belong to the bright color system. Bright color ceramic tile, the choice of stitching agent should be very similar to its own color, but also can not be the same.

The bright color originally gives the person the feeling to be more dazzling, if the beautiful stitching agent color and the ceramic tile color is the same, then we simply cannot distinguish the ceramic tile boundary, does not have the aesthetic feeling at all. And if you choose the opposite color, then the whole ground looks very abrupt, the stitching agent will also have a sense of hustle and bustle! Choice of near color, not only distinguish the level of tile, but also the floor of the active hands of the tile itself.

4、If you really don't know what you're paying attention to, just choose "Universal Color."

Some owners in the beauty pageant color very entangled, feel their own ceramic tile with the color of the sewing agent, this is not good-looking, that is not good-looking. If you also encounter this kind of situation, do not have to worry too much, do not know the choice to choose all-around color! We often refer to the three colors of gray, white and silver, and these three colors, combined with any one color, can play a good aesthetic chemical reaction. Although the tiles do not look very beautiful, but certainly not bad to go anywhere!

The beautiful seams of the ceramic tile in the home decoration is very important, if the ceramic tile that decorates is not good, it may destroy your home attire, broke the appearance of the whole ground and the quality of ceramic tile. If you fill the gap at random at the beginning, the time is long, blackened tile seams are reminding you that you regret it later. So you have to be careful!
